La crédibilité du processus de certification de l'Alliance verte repose sur la vérification externe des résultats des participants.
Pour recevoir la certification de l’Alliance verte, une compagnie doit accepter les conditions de vérification externe suivantes:
Tous les vérificateurs ont reçu une formation pour être en mesure de comprendre l’évaluation, ainsi que le processus de vérification et de certification de l’Alliance verte afin de procéder à la vérification des entreprises participantes selon les normes de l’Alliance verte. Ils suivent également une session de formation annuelle sur les nouveaux aspects du programme environnemental pour la période de vérification en cours.
Les vérificateurs actuellement accrédités par l’Alliance verte ont été sélectionnés avec l’aide d’une tierce partie sur la base des critères suivants pour assurer l’objectivité du processus :
Lieu : Victoria, Colombie-Britannique, Canada
Langues : Anglais (parle aussi couramment polonais)
Expérience : Alicja Rudzki is an environmental professional who has dedicated the last 20 years of her career to policy development, environmental management, and environmental auditing, primarily in the marine sector including shipboard and land-based operations. Alicja has a solid background in environmental sciences and she demonstrates in-depth understanding of administration, planning and operations in both the public and private sectors. She applies her experience and knowledge to identify and solve environmental and technical problems and demonstrates her strong relationship building skills.
Alicja’s other areas of expertise include:
Téléphone: +1 (250) 415-3334
Organisation : Envirochem Services Inc.
Lieu : Colombie-Britannique, Canada
Langue : Anglais
Expérience : Andrew currently holds the position of Manager of Environmental Management Systems Program at Envirochem Services Inc., working as an environmental consultant for numerous marine terminals and BC coastal forest products manufacturing with marine operations such as barging, solid and liquid product transfer, dredging and over-water fuelling systems. As a registered Environmental Site Assessor, he has 20 years of experience in environmental management. He is also a certified ISO14001 auditor with experience of over 200 audits related to environmental compliance, ISO14001 and waste management for various industrial clients. He has also developed EMS for over 30 industrial sites.
Téléphone : 604-986-0233
Organisation: EA Engineering, Science and Technology, Inc., PBC
Lieu: Warwick, Rhode Island, U.S.
Langue: Anglais
Experience: Mr. Lesinski is Senior Vice President and Director for EA’s Environmental, Health, and Safety (EH&S) Compliance service line. He specializes in assisting clients to recognize, understand, manage, and improve the business and technical aspects of their EH&S management programs. He serves as trusted advisor for government agencies, as well as Fortune 500 clients involved in manufacturing, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, aerospace and defense research and development; telecommunications; transportation; and energy sectors. He provides over 30 years of experience in EH&S business process improvement, regulatory analysis, EH&S compliance management and auditing, project management, and integrated management systems’ design, implementation, and continual improvement, and sustainability. He has worked throughout the United States, United Kingdom, and Mexico. Brian is an Exemplar Global and Board of Environmental Auditor Certification certified Environmental Lead Auditor who has assisted over 30 organizations achieve certification to leading third party schemes such as ISO 14001 and Responsible Care, and over 30 clients design, implement, and sustain integrated EH&S management system approaches.
Téléphone : 401-287-0367 Cellulaire : 401-742-4758
Organisation: EA Engineering, Science, & Technology, Inc. PBC
Lieu: N. Atl. USA - Baltimore, Maryland
Langues: English
Expérience: Mrs. Schwartz is a Senior Project Manager and Environmental Scientist in EA’s Environmental, Health, Safety, and Sustainability service line. She has more than 10 years of diverse experience working with clients to develop and implement customized environmental management system (EMS) approaches based on ISO 14001:2015, as well effective compliance management programs to reduce operational risk. She has experience managing diverse multi-media environmental compliance projects and has conducted more than 50 environmental compliance and EMS audits as well. It is important to note that her client list includes several in the marine industry.
Téléphone: (914) 413-2217
Organisation: EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., PBC
Lieu : North Atlantic, USA
Langue : Anglais
Expérience : 34 years of diversified experience in environmental, health and safety, and sustainability consulting. Specific expertise in auditing and assessment, regulatory compliance strategy, EMS and SMS development and implementation, permitting, and environmental risk management. Performed more than 500 multimedia EHS compliance and/or management system conformance audits of facilities in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Worked with multiple clients to develop and implement audit programs, train internal and external auditors, prepare for and manage third-party audits, perform root cause analyses and develop corrective actions. Led conception, development, and implementation of ISO-based management systems and compliance programs for a broad range of entities.
Téléphone: (410) 329-5176
Courriel :
Langues: Français, Anglais
Expérience : M. Bernier est ingénieur et détient également une maitrise en Environnement. Il possède, depuis 2002, les deux agréments de l’Association québécoise de vérification environnementale soient les titres d’évaluateur environnemental de sites agréé (EESA®) et vérificateur environnemental agréé (VEA®). De ce fait, il compte, après plus de 25 ans de métier, plusieurs dizaines de vérifications de conformité environnementale d’évaluations environnementales et d’audits. Il est auditeur certifié par l’Alliance Verte.
Monsieur Bernier a été membre du conseil d’administration du Port de Québec de 2008 à 2017. À ce titre, il a présidé le comité Environnement, santé, sécurité et sûreté maritime de cet organisme. Cette implication s’est soldée par l’acquisition d’une expérience notable en matière de gestion de crises, de planification des mesures d’urgence, mais aussi de relations avec les parties prenantes.
Téléphone : 581-307-5102
Organisation: ETC Marine Solutions Inc.
Lieu : Atlantic Canada - St John's, NL
Langue : Anglais
Expérience : Edward Coombs is an experienced 20-year marine transportation professional, including 10 years of Marine Industry Shoreside Technical Management. Edward owns and operates an independent Marine Consulting practice that has delivered exceptional service to a range of industry clients over the past five years. Comprehensive fleet project/technical management services are provided to his client base, spanning multiple marine sectors across Canada and internationally.
Téléphone: (709) 693-7576
Courriel :
Organisation: Coastal Safety Systems
Lieu : Atlantic Canada - St John's, NL
Langue : Anglais
Expérience : Grant Skinner is a safety professional with very diverse experience in Health and Safety Management Systems within the maritime and oil and gas industry locally and internationally. After studying maritime navigation at the Nova Scotia Nautical Institute, Grant began his career in the oil and gas industry offshore Nova Scotia which lead to a role in the merchant marine trading chemicals and petroleum products globally. His passion for occupational health and safety began while working with a global leader in the Offshore Drilling and Completions as well as instructing offshore safety and survival at the Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Grant continued his studies of Occupational Health and Safety Management at Ryerson University while obtaining his CRSP designation. Grant diversified his health and safety management system experience both offshore and onshore to include FPSO construction, offshore hook-up, Commissioning and production operations. This experience included but is not limited to Health and safety management, Incident investigation, Radiation Safety, Management system auditing, sub-contractor management, Behavioural Based Safety systems, risk management and process safety. Grant was recently employed as HSE manager for global subsea engineering and Construction organization before establishing a safety management system consulting firm.
As a consultant, Grant works with the local oil and gas industry with a focus on Subsea Engineering and Construction, Offshore Installation and Vessel Compliance and Emergency Response as well as all other aspects of Occupational Health and Safety.
Grant is a member of the Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals Regional Screening Committee and is Chair of the Safety Engineering Advisory Committee with a goal of helping to better prepare our health and safety professionals for the challenges that await them in this Industrial Market.
Téléphone: (709) 685-4367
Courriel :
Organisation: Pacmarine Service LLC
Lieu: Houston, Texas, USA
Langue: Anglais
Expérience: Iqbal has more than 36 years of experience in the marine industry. He has served as a Master Marine mariner (Captain), Operations Manager, Marine Surveyor, SIRE (OCIMF- Ship Inspection Report Editor), OVID (Offshore Vessel Inspection Data), and is accredited by DNV and Rightship, Australia for Inspection. He is a certified lead auditor for ISO: 9001 and ISO 14001. He is also a third party Internal and Live navigation auditor for shipping companies, performing Management and Safety audits (ISM & ISO assessment) and providing training on board Oil Rigs, P&I condition inspections on vessels to identify deficiencies and short comings for cargo safety and environment. He provides recommendations, conducts risk analysis, hazard description and consequence. He is presently serving as a Marine Consultant (Quality, Safety, Security and Environment) and also Quality Assurance Manager.
Téléphone: 281 447 9595
Organisation: TRE Consulting, Inc.
Lieu: West Coast (California): San Francisco Bay Area with East Coast, Midwest, South East and Gulf Coast Coverage
Langues: Anglais, Persan, italien, espagnol et afghan
Expérience: Jay Jahangiri has over 36 years of proven track record in environmental, health, safety, sustainability, resiliency, planning, engineering, construction and program management (CM/PM) for ports, marine, airports, power, renewable energy, commercial, real estate, and industrial sectors. Jay began his ports and maritime career on the waterfront as a marine terminal operator labor/baggage and cargo handler (at cruise and airport terminals) while attending full time college. As a former Port environmental director for a major west coast port, Jay’s unique qualifications come directly from inside of the port and marine industry. Jay has conducted numerous independent green marine verifications, ISO 14001/45001 (formerly 18001) EHS/sustainability audits and developed award winning programs for ports (west coast, east coast, gulf, great lakes, and international), marine terminals, shipping lines and maritime related facilities. Jay holds a M.S degree in Environmental Engineering and Sciences from Virginia Polytechnic Technic Institute and a B.S in Comprehensive Sciences: Biology/Chemistry from State University of New York. Jay holds over 10 professional registrations/certifications in the fields of sustainability, environmental, health, safety, and CM/PM.
Téléphone: 209-601-7048
Courriel: /
Organisation: Terrapex
Lieu : Montreal, Qc, Canada
Langue: Français, Anglais
Expérience: Jean-Marc Léger oeuvre depuis plus de 25 ans dans les domaines de la santé et sécurité du travail et l’environnement (SSE) ainsi que la conservation des ressources naturelles. En début de carrière, Jean-Marc s’est engagé pour des initiatives de gestion de la biodiversité au Canada, en Amérique latine et en Afrique de l’Ouest pour le compte de ministère et d’organismes à but non lucratif. En consultation depuis plus de 22 années, Jean-Marc a développé une connaissance approfondie des enjeux environnementaux et sociaux par le biais de l’appui apporté aux petites et grandes entreprises représentant un éventail de domaines économiques dont les secteurs des transports, manufacturier, pharmaceutique, de la chimie, de l’énergie, des matières résiduelles et des industries extractives et de la défense.
Depuis son accréditation de vérificateur environnemental agréé par l’Association Québécoise de Vérification Environnementale (AQVE) en 2007, il a dirigé ou participé à plus de 250 audits de conformité règlementaire, de système de gestion ISO 14001 ou système de gestion intégrée Environnemental Santé et Sécurité du Travail et Relations avec les Collectivités.
Jean-Marc détient le titre de vérificateur de l’Alliance verte depuis 2015. Il est également reconnu comme auditeur selon l’institut international de gestion du cyanure (IIGC), gestionnaire de risque selon ISO 31 000, vérificateur selon le programme Vers le Développement Minier Durable de l’Association Minière du Canada. Enfin, il a également complété les formations pour la norme et les programmes ESG suivants : Validation et Vérification GES de l’Association Canadienne de Normalisation (ISO 14064:3); Together for Sustainability (ESG pour la chaine d’approvisionnement des produits chimiques), CHWMEG (Responsabilité des générateurs de matières résiduelles) et IRMA (Initiative for Responsible Mine Assurance).
Téléphone: 514.826.6233
Organisation: Jeff Stollenwerk, LLC
Lieu : Duluth, Minnesota, USA
Langue : Anglais
Expérience : Jeff Stollenwerk is a certified environmental professional with more than 30 years of regulatory compliance experience. As the environmental leader for a Green Marine participant, Mr. Stollenwerk directed a port authority/terminal owner’s participation in the Green Marine program for 5 years and gained valuable expertise on the Green Marine Landside Technical Committee and Great Lakes Advisory Committee. Throughout much of his career, he worked collaboratively to mitigate impacts from vessel discharges and navigational dredging. Mr. Stollenwerk advocates for maritime, industrial and transportation interests, and supports industry leaders working to achieve their environmental goals.
Téléphone: (218) 591-9773
Courriel :
Organisation : SNC-Lavalin Inc.
Lieu : Colombie-Britannique, Canada
Langue : Anglais
Expérience : John A. Foster, PhD, RPBio, QEP, EP(CEA), EP(EMSLA), CHSMSA Senior Management Systems Specialist – Certified Green Marine Auditor. John is a Registered Professional Biologist, a Certified Environmental Compliance Auditor, a Certified Environmental Management System Lead Auditor and a Qualified Environmental Professional with the Institute of Professional Environmental Practice (US/Canada). John is also a Certified Towards Sustainable Mining Auditor and an ISO 45001 and Certificate of Recognition (COR/OSSE) Safety Management System Auditor (Trucking Safety Council of BC and the BC Manufacturing Safety Association). John has been a Consultant based in BC for over 30 years and has worked nationally and internationally for a wide variety of private and government clients. He has a long history of environmental and safety work in the marine industry, including offshore oil and gas exploration and development projects, tanker traffic and undersea pipelines, oil spill impact assessment and emergency response planning. In the past 12 years, he has specialized in auditing large terminals and marine service operations for safety and environmental performance.
Téléphone: (604) 788 1479
Organisation : Compliance Maritime
Lieu : Seattle, Washington, USA
Langue : Anglais
Expérience : Capt. Sweeney became a GM Verifier in 2016 and has over 35 years of experience in the Maritime Industry. After a career sailing as Master (Unlimited) for Matson Navigation in the Hawaiian and Far East Trades, in 2009 she came ashore to start Compliance Maritime, a company providing 3rd party and internal auditing, as well as investigations and expert legal witness. Lead Auditor certifications in: ISM, ISPS, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Well versed in Safety, Health, Quality, Security, Environmental, and Energy management systems, Capt. Sweeney has conducted over 400 audits and verifications to date. While very knowledgeable in current industry standards and best practices, Capt. Sweeney understands systems must be tailor made to fit the client. Captain Sweeney holds a current USCG Master. Any Gross Tons, Oceans license with full pilotage on Puget Sound, All Waters.
Téléphone : 206-755-3254
Organisation: Coastal Safety Management Inc.
Lieu: Atlantic Canada - St John's, NL
Langue: Anglais
Expérience: Results oriented with a focus on marine disciplines and the application of Six Sigma methodologies. Work experience spans over the oil & gas, mining, transportation, and construction sectors. A diverse marine focused portfolio having held management positions in the fields of Transportation, Procurement, Operations, and HSEQ.
Téléphone: (709) 682-5531
Organisation: Consultante indépendante
Lieu : St. Lawrence - Quebec City, QC
Langues : Français, anglais
Expérience : Marie-Ève Lemieux possède 15 ans d'expérience en environnement. Lors de son parcours, elle a développé et mis en oeuvre des systèmes de gestion (SGE) dans les domaines de l'énergie, du minier et du maritime. Elle a également réalisé et supervisé de nombreux audits du SGE et de conformité environnementale.
Marie-Ève est titulaire d’une maîtrise en géographie physique, spécialisée en micrométéorologie et changement climatique de l’Université McGill ainsi que d’une licence en géosciences de l’environnement de l’Université Aberystwyth (Royaume-Uni). Elle se perfectionne dans la gestion de projet, l’évaluation des effets environnementaux et de l’acceptabilité sociale de projets d’envergure. Marie-Eve a une bonne capacité de communication et de vulgarisation et un bon esprit de synthèse.
Marie-Eve a une connaissance approfondie du domaine maritime. Elle détient le titre de vérificatrice environnementale agréée (VEA) de l’Association québécoise de vérification environnementale (AQVE), dont elle a été membre du conseil d’administration. Elle croit en l'amélioration continue des entreprises.
Téléphone: (581) 308-0451
Courriel :
Organisation: Envirochem Services Inc.
Lieu: Pacific Canada - Cowichan Bay
Langue: Anglais
Expérience: Environmental Engineer with 30+ years total of HSE experience in an assortment of Industrial roles (Oil&Gas, Petrochemical, Pulp & Paper) and including 15 years of consulting servicing many more industries including Marine Terminals.
Téléphone: (250) 701-5322
Organisation : Blackbird EHS Consulting Services Inc.
Lieu : Colombie-Britannique / Canada
Langue : Anglais
Expérience : Michael W. Herald, EP(EMSLA), EP(CEA), CRSP has been leading, participating and managing hundreds of environmental, health and safety (EHS) audits and management system assessments world-wide for over 30 years. He has worked with many industries and federal, provincial and local government agencies, and recently assisted a shipping terminal in developing a comprehensive environmental management system (EMS). He also assisted Port Authorities in improving their health and safety management systems. He has conducted ISO 14001 registration and surveillance audits for an international registration body. Mr. Herald is an Environmental Management Systems Lead Auditor EP(EMSLA), Compliance Environmental Auditor EP(CEA), and Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP) in Canada, and a trained US EPA Asbestos Building Inspector and Asbestos Project Designer. He is also currently on the Board of Directors of the Auditing Association of Canada (AAC), and past president of the Environmental Managers Association of BC (EMA of BC).
Téléphone: 604-353-2473
Organisation: Envirochem Services Inc
Lieu: Colombie-Britannique, Canada
Langue: Anglais
Expérience: Neil Allen, M.Sc., P.G.Dipl.Env.Mngt., P.Ag., EP(EMSLA), EP(CEA), CHSMSA, is a senior environmental management system and occupational health and safety management system auditor and accredited Green Marine verifier with Envirochem Services Inc.. He has more than 24 years of consulting experience in Canada, New Zealand, Australia, India, Africa, and the Philippines. Neil is also a dual certified Environmental Management Systems (EMS) lead auditor to ISO 14001:2015 [EP(EMSLA)] and a regulatory compliance auditor [EP(CEA)] (Safety and Environmental) certified with ECO Canada, a GHG verification auditor to ISO 140064-3, and a certified Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) verification auditor with certification from the Mining Association of Canada. He is also an ISO 45001:2018 lead auditor, and Certified Health and Safety Management System Auditor (CHSMSA) with the Auditing Association of Canada. In addition, Neil is a certified COR/OSSE auditor with two safety associations in British Columbia – the Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC and Safety Driven. He was also a certified COR auditor with the BC Maritime Employers Association for 10 years until the BCMEA removed itself from the COR program in early 2018.
Téléphone: 778 839 2089
Organisation: WSP Canada Inc.
Lieu: St-Laurent, Québec, Canada
Langue: Français, Anglais
Expérience: Nelly Gendrot possède un titre français d’ingénieur dans les disciplines des sciences de l’environnement, du vivant, et agronomiques. Elle possède neuf années d’expérience diversifiée en gestion de l’environnement et de la santé et sécurité au travail, conformité environnementale, gestion des matières résiduelles et agroenvironnement. Depuis 2018, Mme Gendrot a mené des mandats touchant la conformité et la gestion environnementale, notamment la réalisation de vérification de conformité environnementale et de veille légale, la préparation de demande d’autorisation ministérielle, et d’inventaire de rejets de polluants et d’émissions atmosphériques.
Téléphone: (418) 254-6279
Organisation: Pat Gerrity Maritime Advisors, LLC
Lieu : South Atl. USA - Orlando, Florida
Langue : Anglais
Expérience : Captain Gerrity is the Principal of Pat Gerrity Maritime Advisors, a consultancy that provides strategic customized sustainability, compliance, safety, security, and emergency management services to the maritime industry. His clients include key maritime organizations from around the world. Captain Gerrity was the Vice President of Safety, Security, and Environmental Policy and Compliance at Disney Cruise Line from April 2008 until he retired in 2021. Prior to working at Disney, Captain Gerrity was a Coast Guard Officer, retiring after 25 years with the rank of Captain.
During his long Coast Guard career, Captain Gerrity was selected for command twice, first as Captain of the Port of Detroit, and later as Captain of the Port of Portland, Oregon. As Captain of the Port, Captain Gerrity controlled all shipping movements and enforced all maritime laws within his assigned zone, including environmental regulations for ships and facilities. Also, as Captain of the Port, Captain Gerrity was the Designated Federal on Scene Commander for all maritime crises; in that role, he led the response to many incidents, including the second-largest oil spill in history on the Great Lakes. In addition to his command roles, Captain Gerrity completed operational and policy development assignments in Cleveland, Honolulu, Detroit, St. Louis, and Washington, DC and he also completed assignments in major shipyards in Asia.
At Disney, Captain Gerrity was the primary executive charged with advancing safety, security, sustainability, emergency management, public health, and environmental compliance for a fleet of ships, numerous port facilities, and a private island. Captain Gerrity grew his department tenfold during his tenure and personally hired, trained, and developed a world-class staff at Disney Cruise Line that received numerous external accolades for high performance. While at Disney Cruise Line, Captain Gerrity was also the company’s Designated Person Ashore. Captain Gerrity represented Disney on several Cruise Line International Association Committees, including the Environmental Committee. Captain Gerrity was a strong advocate of the importance of Research and Development to evaluate possible sustainable energy sources for the cruise industry and he drove several initiatives to enhance R&D efforts within Disney.
Captain Gerrity holds an MBA degree from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University and a BS degree in Marine Technology from the Great Lakes Maritime Academy. Captain Gerrity has been published several times and is a frequent speaker at various shipping forums.
Téléphone: (775) 450-4611
Courriel :
LinkedIn →
Organisation: Coastal Safety Systems
Lieu: Atlantic Canada - Halifax,NS
Langues: Anglais, Russe
Expérience: 21 years at sea on LPG/Chemical ,Product tankers, Bulk Carriers, Scientific Vessel, Sea-going tug, Cable layer as Deck Officer and Master.
20 years in seismic and geotechnical industries including drilling and CPT operations as HSE and Marine specialist/auditor and on-board advisor in worldwide operations.
3 years as compliance superintendent for V-Ship group on board oil/product, chemical and LPG tankers.
Téléphone: (902) 223-0900
Organisation: US Marine Works
Lieu: GLs USA - Kalamazoo, Michigan
Langues: English, Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam
Expérience: RAMANATHAN SUBRAMANIAN is a seasoned maritime professional with 14 years of ocean-going vessel experience, including bulk carriers, cape size vessels, and gas carriers. His sailing expertise spans across diverse and challenging environments.
After his extensive sailing career, he transitioned to the role of Technical Superintendent, where he spent 1.5 years excelling in vessel maintenance, repair, and safety compliance. RAMANATHAN is dedicated to staying current with industry advancements, ensuring the highest standards of safety, efficiency, and environmental responsibility.
Having recently relocated to the United States, RAMANATHAN holds an Employment Authorization Document (EAD) and Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) card. His reputation for professionalism, adaptability, and in-depth knowledge of maritime operations positions him as a valuable asset in the maritime field, ready to take on new challenges and contribute to organizational success.
Téléphone: (346) 733-1337
Organisation : R.C. Helland Consulting
Lieu : Greensboro, Caroline du Nord, U.S.
Langue : Anglais
Expérience : Randy est un vérificateur expérimenté de l’Alliance verte qui, depuis 2012, effectue des vérifications dans l’ensemble des États-Unis et du Canada. Auparavant, il avait acquis plus de 32 ans d’expérience au sein de la Garde côtière américaine, où il a occupé des postes de direction aux niveaux national, régional et local dans les domaines de la sécurité maritime/portuaire, de la sûreté, de la protection de l’environnement et de la gestion des voies navigables. Il possède une vaste expérience dans le domaine de la sécurité des navires et des installations et des inspections environnementales. Il est actuellement indépendant chez R.C. Helland Consulting, où il fournit des services d’inspection, d’orientation, de planification et d’exercice en matière de sécurité maritime, de sûreté et de réglementation environnementale au gouvernement américain, à l’industrie maritime et aux universités.
Téléphone : 440-541-6463
Courriel :
Organisation: EEM Gestion ESS / EEM EHS Management
Lieu : Montréal, Québec, Canada
Langues : Français, Anglais
Expérience :
Consultant principal et associé chez EEM Gestion ESS depuis 2000, Ross possède plus de 25 ans d'expérience en vérification et est un auditeur environnemental certifié auprès d'ECO Canada et de l'Association québécoise de vérification environnemental (AQVE). Il a mené plus de 270 audits de systèmes de gestion ESSC, de conformité réglementaire et de normes spécifiques, dont plus de 50 ont été des vérifications externes de l'Alliance verte dans les trois domaines du programme.
Il a participé comme représentant des vérificateurs sur le comité consultatif du Saint-Laurent, et participe actuellement sur le Comité Consultatif de l’Atlantique Nord et sur Groupe de Travail pour les Chantiers Navals.
Ross est également un fournisseur de services de vérification (FSV) reconnu pour l'initiative de Vers le développement minier durable de l'association minière du Canada, il est auditeur principal approuvé pour la vérification externe du Code international de gestion du cyanure, et est un auditeur reconnu pour le programme CORESafety® de la National Mining Association.
Ross est parfaitement bilingue (oral et écrit) avec d’excellentes compétences en communication. Polyvalent, diligent, axé sur les solutions et disposant d’une attitude positive, courtoise et franche, il est reconnu pour sa capacité à simplifier des sujets complexes et à interagir avec aisance avec des personnes de différents niveaux au sein d’une organisation.
Cellulaire: (514) 250-4474
Organisation: Canadian International Bureau of Shipping Ltd. (CIBS)
Lieu : Ontario - Québec - Colombie-Britannique
Langue: Français, anglais
Expérience: Said a plus de 30 ans d'expérience dans l'industrie maritime. Après 14 ans de carrière en mer en tant que chef ingénieur, il a rejoint le gouvernement canadien en tant qu'inspecteur maritime, a gravi les échelons et a occupé plusieurs postes de direction, notamment celui de gestionnaire en santé et sécurité au travail et directeur des opérations de la Sûreté et Sécurité maritime. Son expérience comprend le conseil, la formation, l'audit, l'évaluation des risques, l'analyse des écarts, le développement et la mise en œuvre des systèmes ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 28000 et C-TPAT. Il travaille également en tant qu'auditeur QMS & EMS pour un organisme de certification. En outre, il est nommé et accrédité par diverses administrations de pavillons et sociétés de classification, en tant qu'inspecteur de pavillon et auditeur principal pour ISM, ISPS et MLC-2006. Il est également accrédité par la « Chemical Distribution Institute » comme inspecteur CDI Port/Terminal. M. Nassif est nommé registraire adjoint pour l'administration des registres de navires de nombreux États du pavillon. Il est approuvé en tant qu'instructeur par Transports Canada et d'autres administrations de pavillon pour dispenser de nombreuses formations STCW.
Cellulaire : 613-790-7260
Organisation: Envirochem Services Inc.
Lieu: Colombie-Britannique, Canada
Langue: Anglais
Expérience: Tony is a professional engineer and currently holds the position of Manager of Auditing Program at Envirochem Services Inc., working as an environmental consultant for marine facilities including marine terminal operations and other various coastal industrial operations which have marine activities. He is a certified environmental and ISO14001 auditor. He has been seconded by registrar to conduct ISO14001/OHSAS18001/ISO9001/ISO50001 and electronic stewardship audits of hundreds of industrial operations across North America (Canada, US, and Mexico). He is also a COR (safety) certified auditor with BC Maritime Employers Association and GHG validation and verification auditor for Pacific Carbon Trust. Since 1995 he has conducted over 300 audits related to environmental compliance, environmental management systems, waste management, and energy audits at various industrial clients.
Téléphone: 604-986-0233
Pour obtenir leur certification, les participants de l’Alliance verte doivent démontrer une amélioration continue et mesurable, année après année et respecter toutes les étapes du processus de certification soit l’autoévaluation annuelle, la vérification externe et la publication des résultats.